39. Traffic Control
ROX™ v2.2 User Guide
RuggedBackbone™ RX1500
39.2. Traffic Control Configuration
Figure 39.1. Traffic-Control menu
To display the Traffic Control menu, navigate to qos/traffic-control.
Figure 39.2. Traffic Control Configuration form
The Traffic Control Configuration form appears on the same screen as the Traffic Control menu.
Enable configuration
Enables/disables traffic control (TC) for the current firewall configuration. The current firewall
configuration is the one that is committed. When an active configuration is committed to the system,
then an enabled TC configuration will be included. When a work configuration is comitted then the
enabled TC configuration will be included in the work config. A TC configuration needs a firewall
configuration to operate.
Basic or Advanced Configuration Modes
Synopsis: string - one of the following keywords { advanced, basic }
Default: basic
Specifies to use either 'simple' or 'advanced' configuration modes. Click again on traffic-control after
making a choice.
39.2.1. Traffic Control Modes
Traffic Control functions are divided into two modes: basic-configuration mode and advanced-
configuration mode. Basic-configuration mode contains functions with basic traffic control
configuration parameters. Advanced-configuration mode contains functions with advanced traffic
control configuration parameters. The two modes cannot be accessed simultaneously. Only the mode
that is currently configured can be accessed.
It is mandatory to configure the firewall before enabling traffic control. For information on
configuring the firewall, refer to
. Basic-configuration Mode
To configure basic-configuration mode, follow the procedure below.