Congratulations! You’ve entered the world
of sustainable menstruation. We’re happy to
have you onboard.
Your new Ruby Cup is a healthy and
sustainable menstrual product. If you treat it
well, it can last you 10 years. With your new
Ruby Cup, you’re not only helping the planet,
you’re also helping people without access to
safe period products get their hands on this
life-changing product.
Ruby Cup is a premium-quality menstrual
health product made of medical-grade
silicone that is convenient and reusable. It
will last up to 10 years with proper care. The
Ruby Cup comes in two different sizes and
the size is chosen based on the position
of the cervix and the heaviness of the
menstrual flow. The concept is simple: The
Ruby Cup doesn’t absorb menstrual fluid
like menstrual pads or tampons. Instead, it
collects the blood during your period. Once
full, you simply remove the cup, empty and
rinse it, and put it back in.
The Ruby Cup sits in the vagina just below
the cervix where it collects menstrual
fluids (blood and cellular debris) during
menstruation. It is made of soft silicone and
must be folded in order to insert it. Once
inserted, the cup unfolds and creates a
seal with the walls of your vagina in order
to prevent leaking of the menstrual fluids.
The cup must be fully inside the vagina
with the stem close to the vaginal opening.
The cup can be used for collecting fluids
for 4-8 hours, depending on the amount
of menstrual flow. Once the cup is full, or
a maximum of 8 hours have passed, the
cup must be removed, emptied, rinsed with
water, and re-inserted.
The cup must be cleaned by boiling before
first use, between the user’s periods, and if it
has been exposed to unhygienic surfaces.
• Your Ruby Cup is not supplied in a sterile
condition so you must boil your cup for
2-3 minutes before you use it for the first
• Boil at boiling point of 100aC / 212aF
• Use a saucepan, pot or Ruby Clean.
• Make sure the Ruby Cup is completely
immersed in water while it boils and that it
does not touch the bottom of the pot.
• Wash your hands prior to use of the Ruby
It takes some people a couple of periods
before they get used to the Ruby Cup, so
be patient with yourself. A learning curve is
completely normal and we’re positive that
you’ll quickly come to love how easy and
comfortable it is.
1. Always wash your hands thoroughly with
soap and water before handling your cup.
2. Before inserting, you have to fold the cup.
There are 3 folding methods you can try.
Allow yourself some trial and error with each
method to find the one that works best for
to the Ruby
Punchdown fold
7 fold
• C fold: : Squeeze the walls of the cup
together and fold into a c-shape.
• Punchdown fold: Pinch down one wall of
the cup into its base so the cup forms a
triangle shape.
• 7 fold: Squeeze the walls of the cup
together and fold one top corner so the
cup forms a 7 shape.
3. Now you have folded your cup, find a
preferred position to insert your cup. Try
squatting, standing with one leg up or sitting.
• Gently push the Ruby Cup into your
vagina with the rim first. Insert it in a
horizontal, rather than a vertical, direction
in line with your vaginal passage. You can
use your other hand to separate your
outer labia if that is helpful.
• Push the cup inside until the body of the
cup is all the way inside your vagina.
• Once inside, the cup will unfold to create
a suction that keeps it well positioned and
prevents leaks. You may sense it popping
• You can test that the cup is fully opened
and has created a suction by trying to pull
or wiggle the stem very carefully. It should
not move more than a few millimeters. If
you feel resistance when carefully pulling
it, it means that the suction is created.
• You can also run a finger along the base
of the cup (not the stem). If you feel
that the walls are still collapsed inside,
rotate the cup at the base of the cup to
reposition it to pop open.
• You can also run your finger along the rim
to check for creases. Wiggle the stem to
remove any creases as these will cause
4. Position
Air holes
Body of
the Cup