Product name
: RTX2018 User Manual 1.0.docx
Ref.: FHA
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RF Ports
The CMW100 has 8 RF ports that can be used for both RX and TX measurements. The field is
used to select which RF port (connector) is used. The GUI has one common selection for the
RF port which is valid for both RX and TX.
RX Measurements
Theory of RX (BER) Measurements
The RTX2018 (CMW100) RF tester does not test the RX performance utilizing the ETSI specified
“RF loopback connection” as
is the case for e.g. the RTX2012 DECT RF tester.
The RTX2018 uses the “Non
signalling mode”
which means that there is no RF connection
established between the tester and the DUT for control and RX measurements. The DUT will
therefore need to calculate the BER/FER internally as there is no return path from the DUT to
the tester - unless the DUT is a Dialog DA14495 with RTX firmware
Note 1
The RTX2018 allows the user to download a predefined packet into the ARB (Arbitrary
waveform) generator. The generator will then replay this waveform continuously. The power
level of the signal generator can be changed. The DUT will then try to receive the transmitted
signal. As the DUT already knows what the waveform looks like, it can calculate the BER/FER.
The RTX2018 GUI application integrates the RTX-firmware-specific control interfaces allowing
the RTX2018 GUI to display BER and FER results (see Figure 6 below).
Figure 6. RX measurement tab