RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc.
GPS25162HR/GPS35162HR User’s Manual
BDM-610020158 Rev A
GPS module interface
The RXM-GNSS-TM GPS is connected to the host computer through a dedicated serial port. The default configuration for the serial port is:
9600 Baud
8 Data bits
No parity
1 Stop bit
No Flow Control
GPS Antenna
Most GPS antennas are “active” which means they have a low noise amplifier (LNA) built into the antenna that requires a power
source for the
GPS module. While the GPS35162 will work with a passive antenna, better performance will be achieved with an active antenna. The
GPS35162 pr3.3V/+5V for active GPS antennas.
COCOM Limits
The GPS module disables tracking when both altitude (18,000m) and speed (515 m/s) limits are exceeded. However, the module has an
acquisition altitude limit of 10,000m. So, it cannot be powered on and acquire a position above 10,000m, but it will continue tracking if a position
is acquired below 10,000m and then the module goes higher.