In the box:
Tools Required:
2 x Grid Reflectors
1 x Feedhorn
1 x Reinforced L-Bracket
2 x U-Bolts
2 x Toothed Claps
4 x Short Bolts & Washers
4 x Long Bolts & Washers
10mm Wrench, Socket or Nutdriver.
Adjustable Wrench or Pliers
Grid Parabolic Antenna Assembly Instructions
1. Bring two halves together with the
tabs overlapping.
5. With the feedhorn vertical,
use one hand to hold 2 long
bolts in place on the le
& right
arm brackets.
6. Position feedhorn so bolts &
connector pass through
reflector. Place L-Bracket over
bolts and connectors as shown.
7. Secure the le
& right bolts in
place to hold bracket. Then
proceed with remaining bolts for
top & bottom of feedhorn.
8. Either slide the assembled
antenna and U-bolts over your
mast, or secure the U-bolts around
your mast.
9. U-Bolts & toothed brackets
should be positioned as shown for
the most secure hold on the mast.
10. Once on mast, secure nuts on
U-bolt. L-bracket allows for
vertical alignment in combination
with holes & the U-bolts.
11. Use the included right-angle
adapter for a safe cable
12. AIM PROPERLY! The antenna
has a
narrow radiation beam.
You must point it to within 1 to 2
degrees of the signal source.
2. Carefully check the tab
arrangement. Excess pressure
indicates incorrect alignment.
3. With holes aligned, secure the
two halves with the short bolts to
the four outer positions.
4. All four outer bolts should be
secured with the head of the bolt
facing inward.