Rotek Y80 series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание Y80 series


Страница 2: ...e In order to provide the detailed description and instruction of tbis eneine for operators to manipulate itcorrectly in sbort time we offer this manual which brietly describ the performance of series...

Страница 3: ...r So il it first 4_1t s tric yr rbidden l start under tbe ircu stanc oflatk oil be oilorWiltet 5 It isJ ii il f rbidd n t oper te at overload r under othel9 co ditions 8eainst the ruJes 6 It is strict...

Страница 4: ...tarting 8 1 0 2 2 111 Starting 10 c 2 2 N Operating H lt 2 3 V Stopping 10 iD 2 3 SECTION 3 MAINTENANCE I ROtltille maintenaJ1Ce 3 1 11 Maintenance after every 100 accurriulated operating hours 3 1 11...

Страница 5: ...8 IX Cooli g system 5 10 X Electric system 5 11 SECTION 6 FAULTS AND REMEDlES FOR DIESELENGINE I Hard or refuse to start 6 1 11 Power insufficiency 6 1 Irr Smokin exhaust 6 2 IV Knockin g noise in en...

Страница 6: ...r bIockI 6 MIO 475 561 5 DinensIons ofwater inleIIoutlet 74 4 1117 424 5 OonkshallcenlerIhe lnstc Iltondl nensionsclenghe belselool Connecflng dinensklnsofllywheeland Ishousi1g I I Configuration and I...

Страница 7: ...V_ AlqI_1IIeck i i C Soop _ _ 1_B yIl bIodtl LiI 4 8 _ _ _ zoo llO 375 eo tiac ora ilI c SoppIr_ flO2OS H2HB 1bedi_ r or _or lwa i1 n Configuration and Installation Dimensions of Model Y380 Diesl Eng...

Страница 8: ...104 96 88 Ne kw 20 16 Me _l V r V V r Ne V V r ge Y l r _l ge glkw h 255 245 235 I I I I I 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2880 m Pertonnance Curves of Model YD480 Diesel E...

Страница 9: ...j 3 4 3 i 4 f_ __ _ is _ 90 rnz lj57 21 l809 L l8 1 357 1 282 i 9 809 r __L_ Firingorder I 1 3 2 1 3 4 2 t l 1 3 2 I 1 3 4 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 _ _ r _ _ _ _ z __ Rate4power kW l J 20 5 L O I 9 c_l l0 10...

Страница 10: ..._ _ i lgl JIO e pi I p S1 I 13 2 0 5 QD1322 QD13l5A D138Y QD138C 1 l 80r2 5 YS380 YS4S0 YSA480 Y3S0 Type Designation ______Vol se _ L_ _ _L _ _ _ ____ R eri _ _ __ Model Power W _ 1 _ _ _ Voltage V _...

Страница 11: ...lT 480 S380 175 i95 YD480 YS4A D380 Main bearin cap balts Connecting rod bolts Flywheel bolts 4 Temperatureand pressU Te limits 1 Exhaust temperature C n 3200rpJn 3200rpm n 2600rpm n 2600rpm 2 Lube o...

Страница 12: ..._ _ J __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ i __ __ __ l __ _ _ l _ _ c _ J __ __ _ __ I 61Side cI rapce 9P ween the qi scraper ring ilnd its groove i 0 030 0 067 j 0 18 t 1 7 igap of thtHst rittg I 0 250 0...

Страница 13: ...ter use de CD30 lube oil When bein fiUed into the en ine oil tank the oil should be filter d by sereen 3 Coolin water It is recommended to use soft water sueh as rain water city tap water or ciean riv...

Страница 14: and whether there is any leakage at all ioints 6 Che ck the accessories to see whetber they arefinnly and reHably connected Check the electrical system to see whether the battery is fuHy char ed al...

Страница 15: ...gas color and the operatin noise Ifthere is any fault stop the engin aod inspeetit v Stoppine 1 Before stopping take off the load and reduce the enginespeed gradually Letit ron at idlin speed for a fe...

Страница 16: ...oundation bolts and theconnectionbetween the englne and the dirven machinery 7 Keep the engine clean Oil vater and dust gathered on the engine surface should bewiped away with a dry rag or cloth dippe...

Страница 17: ...ork of Inaintenance atter every 100 accumulated operating hours the foHowing items are needed 1 Check the injection pressure and spray pattern of tbe injector If necessary dismantle the injector c lea...

Страница 18: ...3 Check and measure wear ofthepistonsandpiston rings 4 Check and measure wearofthe cylinder lUler 5 Checkand measurewearof1hecrankshaft main joumalsandcrank pins Clean htbe oil passa es ofthe cranksh...

Страница 19: ...Block theoutletsof intake andexhaust manifolds silencer with wooden plugs Of Vrap up properly with plastic film in order to prevent any dust froln getting in 6 rhe engine shouldbe stored in a clean ro...

Страница 20: ...iust the valve lashes fntake valve lash and exhaust valve lash in cold nlust be the value specified in section 1 Then after turnlng the crankshafl by 18 J to adiust the valve lashof other cytinders a...

Страница 21: ...el i icctif n wiU t etard vhile the pump rotates anti clockwise the fuel iniection wi ll advance 4 Additionally if the engine has injection an gle advan edevice the advanced injection angle can be adj...

Страница 22: ...ay The fuef spray should be even and weil atomized in a shape of cone At any cros section of the cone the atomized fnet should be finely and evenly distributed Fuel drop ets and irregular pattern wh c...

Страница 23: ...eadiust the readj stment must be perfonned in a iniection pump test bench with astandard injectorand injection pipes of standard len haccording to the instructions in Operation M anual of the Injectio...

Страница 24: ...l pitting and wear appeared on the sealing face of valve and valve seal When grinding apply a grinding paste fine valve sand on the conic sealing surface ofvalve Thenthe valve and valve seat are lappe...

Страница 25: ...res for the liner and the cylinder head boltholes on the top plane of the block there are holes Jeading water to the cylinder head Near thc rear end of the block there are channeJs delivering lube oil...

Страница 26: ...lates in th sanle plane fhen tighten the bolts until t hey reach the sp ecified tightening torquc When completing the crankshaft assembly turn it at the flywheel end by hand 10 check whether it can be...

Страница 27: ...7 O 102mm and o 05 0 082mm for the second ring as shown in FiR8 When dismantling and asselnbling the piston ring a special tool may be lIsed The ring end gap of piston rings should be set off with eac...

Страница 28: ...o the cylinder line r carefullY and tighten in turn the connecting rod bolts according to the speciticd tightening torque linlit in several separate times A fter finishing the assembly turn the c rank...

Страница 29: ...e camshaft out from the front end fhe axis of the tappet deviates from the center line of cam width During operating the tappet rotates so as to provide an even wearing on the bottom surface and the c...

Страница 30: section of the diesel engine It is composed of the fuel delivery pump uel filter iniection pump governor fuel injection and fuel combustion chamber return pipes etc as shown in Fig 10 The fuel 1S p...

Страница 31: ...m clean I LubricatineSvstem l hc lubricating system is composed of the strainerj ube oilpurnp oil filter and pipelines as sho n in Fig ll e l he engine adopts pressure and splash Jubrication l hepress...

Страница 32: ...tenance Fig 11 Lubricating S stem 1 Oll IUlDp 1 StraiDer 3 Lube oB pump 4 PIston and ceinnertmg rod _mbly and cyUnder Uner 5 Lube oll 01 6 Gear tralD 7 Oll preIIlIUre puge 8 Rocker arm 9 Valve pub rod...

Страница 33: ...iator dllring whieh the cooling watel i5 ooled by thc fan and cornpletes the regular circlIlation Th cooling tan can ht ilf cither suction 01 hlast type according to its application Thc ecntrifllgal w...

Страница 34: ...1icon rectifying dynamo for the operation and maintcnance ofthe dynamo After tuming on the starting switch the flywheel gear ring 15 engaged with the motor pinion by the solenoid meanwhile the tlywhee...

Страница 35: ...nder liners Grind valVes Cylnderhead nuts should be tightencd in case of leakage on cYlinderhead ets 6 Adjust itaccording to fita io s d align gear marks 7 Charge it 8 Check andtighten wire connection...

Страница 36: ...f ccrtain componcnt i c ceeds lirnils Remedies 1 Rea Uust t according to specification j 2 Exhaust air I 3 Rcadiust fud suppl 4 Use qualified suppl i 5 Replace them I V Lube Oillnsumcient or No Pressu...

