The RSDP-805 series expansion boards can be installed directly on top of the AC-825IP or installed on the wall and
fitted on a DIN rail as an expansion board with RS-485 communication to the AC-825IP OSDP/RSDP-Bus (serial bus).
When an RSDP-805 expansion board is used with Rosslare’s AxTraxPro™ Access Control Management Software, the
expansion board supports SIA Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP V2) including OSDP-SC (secure channel).
The available RSDP-805 models are:
: 16-Output Expansion Board
: 16-Input Expansion Board
: 4-Door Expansion Board
: 16-Input, 8-Output Expansion Board
RSDP-805 Series
Expansion Boards for
Installation Guide