Orion XC Installation and Operation Manual
1. If not in the
menu of the OSD, start Command Mode with the 'Hot Key'.
2. Press <o> to open the OSD. This shows a list of all available CPUs as a start menu.
3. Select
Local CPU
in the list and switch to it. The switching operation to the local source will be
performed immediately.
The local source (computer, CPU) will only be shown in the OSD if the CON Unit includes the option for
a local connection.
As an alternative, the following keyboard commands are available to switch to the local source:
Keyboard Command
Switching to extender connection
<'Hot Key'>, <k>, <1>, <Enter>
Switching to extender connection 2 (only with redundant CON
<'Hot Key'>, <k>, <2>, <Enter>
Switching to the local source (computer, CPU)
<'Hot Key'>, <l>, <Enter>
Multi-Screen Control
The Multi-Screen function allows a Con Device with several assigned monitors to switch keyboard and mouse
between several CPU sources by either moving the mouse pointer beyond the edge of the current monitor, or
by keyboard command. Configuring Con Devices for Multi-screen control is described in the Configuration
section, Console Device Settings.
Switching through the mouse
Switching the USB-HID devices can be done by moving the mouse pointer beyond the edge of the current
display. In order to perform a switching operation by moving the mouse, proceed as follows.
1. Move the mouse pointer to the vertical or horizontal edge of the display that borders a neighboring
display in the Con Device.
2. Move the mouse pointer beyond the edge of the display. USB HID switching will occur to the CPU
displayed on the neighboring monitor. The mouse pointer will appear on the adjacent display, and any
other console USB-HID devices (e.g. keyboard) will also be available at the CPU device displayed on
that monitor.
Switching through the keyboard
Switching the USB-HID devices can also be done using the keyboard. In order to perform a switching
operation via keyboard command, proceed as follows.
1. Start Command Mode with the 'Hot Key'.
2. Select the target display by pressing the appropriate key on the numeric pad of the keyboard.
The switching operation will be performed and the USB-HID devices will be available at the CPU connected to
the target display.
The keyboard commands to switch to each display’s CPU connection are given the table below.
Keyboard Command
<'Hot Key'>, <Num 0>
Switch the USB-HID devices to the CPU connected to the CON
Unit display with the keyboard and mouse
<'Hot Key'>, <Num 1>
Switch the USB-HID devices to the CPU connected to display #1
<'Hot Key'>, <Num 2>
Switch the USB-HID devices to the CPU connected to display #2
<'Hot Key'>, <Num 3>
Switch the USB-HID devices to the CPU connected to display #3
<'Hot Key'>, <Num 4>
Switch the USB-HID devices to the CPU connected to display #4