Orion XC Installation and Operation Manual
Summary of Keyboard Commands
The following two tables summarize all the keyboard commands that affect extender and matrix functions. In
the command notation, ‘+’, ‘,’ and ‘x’ have these meanings:
<Key> + <Key>
Press keys simultaneously
<Key>, <Key>
Press keys successively
2x <Key>
Press key two times, quickly (similar to a mouse double-click)
Keyboard Command
<'Hot Key'>, <a>
Download of DDC information for the monitor connected to the
CON Unit into the CPU Unit
<'Hot Key'>, <k>, <1>, <Enter>
Switch to matrix KVM connection 1 (only with HDMI CON Units with
connection available for a local source)
<'Hot Key'>, <k>, <2>, <Enter>
Switch to matrix KVM connection 2 (only with HDMI CON Units with
connection available for a local source and a redundant matrix
<'Hot Key'>, <l>, <Enter>
Switch to local source (computer, CPU) (only with HDMI CON Units
with connection available for a local source)
<'Hot Key'>, <h>, <w>, <Enter>
USB-HID Ghosting: Write device descriptions of the input devices
connected to the CON Unit into the CPU Unit. Activate emulation in
the CPU Unit.
<'Hot Key'>, <h>, <e>, <Enter>
Activate the emulation of already stored device descriptions in the
CPU Unit
<'Hot Key'>, <h>, <d>, <Enter>
Deactivate the emulation of device descriptions in the CPU Unit.
The input devices connected to the CON Unit will be passed
transparently to the source (computer, CPU).
<'Hot Key'>, <h>, <r>, <Enter>
Deactivate the emulation of device descriptions in the CPU Unit,
and remove the descriptions stored in the CPU Unit. The input
devices connected to the CON Unit will be passed transparently to
the source (computer, CPU).