User Interface
User Manual 3646.3836.02 ─ 01
The buttons at the bottom right of the editor panel depend on whether you add a new
VLAN interface or edit an existing virtual local area network. For a newly configured
VLAN interface, click "Create" to add the VLAN to the list of available virtual local area
network interfaces or "Cancel" to discard your changes. To edit an existing VLAN inter-
face, click "Save" to store the reconfigured VLAN or "Reset" to discard your changes.
You can click "Close" to shut the editor panel as long as no changes have been made
on it.
Click " Activate" in the toolbar at the top of the desktop to apply your configuration
Bridge Interfaces
Use the "Bridge Interfaces" settings to connect two interfaces and their networks on
Layer 2, forming a common broadcast domain.
For more detailed information on bridge interfaces, see the following sections.
Bridge Interfaces Overview
Navigate to "Network > Interfaces > Bridge Interfaces" to display the list of bridge inter-
faces that are currently defined on the system in the item list bar.
In the expanded view, the first column of the table displays the "Name" of the bridge
interface. The "Status" column shows one of the following status indicators:
Green – The bridge interface is enabled.
Orange – The bridge interface is disabled.
Furthermore, the "Ports" that are assigned to the bridge interface are displayed. The
buttons in the last column allow you to view and adjust the settings for an existing
bridge interface, create a new bridge interface based on a copy of an existing bridge
interface or delete a bridge interface from the system.
Chapter 3.2, "Icons and Buttons"
Bridge Interfaces Settings
Use the "Bridge Interfaces" settings to configure custom bridge interfaces.
Under "Network > Interfaces > Bridge Interfaces", you can add a new or edit an exist-
ing bridge interface.
The "Bridge Interface" panel displays the following information and allows you to con-
figure the following elements:
A slider switch indicates whether the bridge interface is active ("ON") or inactive
("OFF"). By clicking the slider switch, you can toggle the state of the bridge
interface. A new bridge interface is enabled by default.
Displays the name of the bridge interface. The name is generated automati-
cally. Bridges are numbered in the order they are created, starting with
"Hardware Address"
Displays the hardware address (MAC address) of the bridge interface.
Menu Reference