Rev 20.11.2019
V1.07 - Page 41
Subject to modifications!
romutec Steuer.-und Regelsysteme GmbH Jochsberger Straße 39 D-91592 Buch am Wald
Subject to technical changes
D4 - Overview of Registers 4DO-R eco Module
In the following descriptions of the register settings,
default values
, if any, are
. These settings
are suitable for most applications and at the initial commissioning.
The values in the underlined registers are stored in non-volatile memory. These registers should not be
written continuously.
The registers marked with this asterisk can be read or written only individually, not as a
contiguous block.
Value Hex Delay time between switching of two outputs
Using this register, a delay time can be defined which must
elapse between the switching of two outputs at least. Thus, the
system perturbations resulting from the switching operations can
be reduced. The time is given decimal in hundredths of a
Delay time = 100 ms
Value Hex Controlling the DOs via bus command
DO No.
(DO4 .. DO1) Each DO is assigned to a bit of the register:
00 01
Activating DO 1
00 08
Activating DO 4
Value Hex Current state of the DO
DO No.
(DO4 .. DO1) This register shows the current status of each DO. Each DO is
assigned to a bit of the register. The assignment corresponds to
that of the register R121 (Controlling the DOs via bus command)
00 01
State of DO 1
00 08
State of DO 4
Value Hex Setting the mask for 'Safe State' of the DOs
DO No.
(DO4 .. DO1) If it is required that the DOs will have a defined state when the
bus fails, the corresponding bits of this register must be set to 1.
Each DO is assigned to a bit of the register. Each DO is
assigned to a bit of the register. The assignment corresponds to
that of the register R121 (Controlling the DOs via bus
command). The settings of this register are stored in non-volatile
00 00
All DOs will retain their last state before bus failure
00 01
Setting in R 2121 determines DO 1 when Safe State is triggered
00 08
Setting in R 2121 determines DO 4 when Safe State is triggered