Evaluation of the results of measurement
With the electro-biological evaluation of the results of measurement,
a distinction is made between the contamination loading at the sea-
ting area or workplace and at the sleeping area. During the rest pha-
se, the body should relax maximally stress-free and be able to rege-
nerate, so that more severe demands are placed on the sleeping
The following standard values of body voltage are recommended for
sleeping areas:
Electro-biological Standard Values
Electro-biological Standard Values
Electro-biological Standard Values
Body voltage in Millivolt (mV)
Body voltage in Millivolt (mV)
Display in the 20000 mV
measurement range
No anomaly
below 10 mV
less than
Weak anomaly
10 -100 mV
00010 - 00100
Strong anomaly
100 - 1000 mV
00100 - 01000
Extreme anomaly
more than 1000 mV
more than
As far as possible, the value at seating and work areas should not be
above 500 mV
Discovering the causes of increased body voltages
In order to trace the causes of a too-high body voltage through e-
lectrical alternating fields, the following procedure e.g. in the sleep
area has proved itself. In case of measurements in other rooms, you
can proceed correspondingly:
Firstly switch on all electrical appliances and lamps in the be-
droom and also in the adjacent rooms (if possible also above and
below). Then measure the body voltage of the person concerned
as described. Note down the measured value.
If the value should be high according to the electro-biological re-
commendations, proceed as follows:
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