slow down the cut speed and, depending on the type of material, the offset
may need to be set at 0.5mm. You should also check the communication
settings to make sure your software is configured with the recommended
settings for the type of connection that you are using: serial or parallel.
6. Which port do you recommend I select for my ColorCAMM PRO PC-60
Parallel port. We do not recommend sharing multiple printers or switchboxes
on the same port.
7. Why is the blade cutting deep in some areas and not in others? My
ColorCAMM PRO PC-60 is cutting jagged and jumps.
Check to see if the cutter protection strip needs to be replaced. If it is worn,
dented or cut up it needs to be replaced. If the cutter protection strip is not
damaged, check the position of the blade in the blade holder. Make sure the
blade holder is tightened around the blade.
8. What is the average blade life?
The life of a blade varies depending on the amount of cutting it performs. The
total cutting length can vary considerably depending on the thickness,
toughness and type of adhesive of the cut material. Setting an appropriate
cutter force, one that is well matched to the material and the hardness of the
blade, can extend the life of the blade.
9. What should I do when the Cartridge Holder LED #1 is flashing?
The ink ribbon may be empty or incorrectly positioned in the print head. Either
replace the ribbon cartridge with a new one or position it correctly.