Command Reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 38
String parameter containing the new calibration kit label.
CORR:CKIT:FOP:WLAB 'N 50 Ohm','New Kit 1',
'Test kit created today', '',
Create a new cal kit "New Kit 1" labelled "Test kit created today"
and assign an open (f) standard for the N 50 Ω connector type
with specific properties.
CORR:CKIT:LLAB 'New Kit 1', 'Test kit created
today', '2012-05-25'
Change the label of the previously created kit.
CORR:CKIT:LLAB? 'New Kit 1', '2012-05-25'
Check the label.
WLABel 'New Kit 1', '2012-05-25', 'C:
\Rohde-Schwarz\Vna\Calibration\Kits\New Kit 1
Store the data for the labelled cal kit to the cal kit file
New Kit 1 (2012-05-25).calkit
CORR:CKIT:LDEL 'New Kit 1', '2012-05-25'
Delete the kit. from the internal memory.
MMEMory:LOAD:CKIT 'C:\Users\Public\Documents
\Rohde-Schwarz\Vna\Calibration\Kits\New Kit 1
Re-load the kit.
<ConnectorType>, <CalKitName>, <KitLabel>
Selects the calibration kit to be used, specifying its connector type, name, and label.
The command is suitable for connector types with arbitrary, user-defined names.
For standard connector types you can use the command
Connector type, e.g. a user-defined connector type (string vari-
String parameter containing the name of a calibration kit availa-
ble on the analyzer.
String parameter containing the label of a calibration kit available
on the analyzer.
SCPI Command Reference