GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 38
"Upper Edge" positions (see
" Geometric Calculation of Bandfilter Center "
The bandfilter search results are displayed in the movable bandfilter info field.
Remote command:
Result Off
Hides the movable info field with the results of a bandpass or a bandstop search and
disables bandfiter "Tracking". The info field is displayed again (and tracking re-
enabled) when a new bandfilter search is performed.
Remote command:
Search (Bandpass or Bandstop) / Search Mode
Enables a bandpass or bandstop search (left/right icon) for an arbitrary search mode.
The search modes have the following effect:
"Bandpass/Bandstop Ref to Max": The bandpass/bandstop is the tallest/lowest
peak in the search range. For a detailed description refer to
"Bandpass/Bandstop Ref to Marker": The bandpass/bandstop is the tallest/lowest
peak in the search range. The response value for the lower and upper band edges
is calculated as the response value at the active marker position plus/minus x,
where x is equal to the <Bandwidth> value. To be valid the peak must be above/
below the response value for the band edges.
"Bandpass/Bandstop Absolute Level:" The bandpass/bandstop is the tallest/lowest
peak in the search range. To be valid, the peak must be above/below –x, where x
is numerically equal to the <Bandwidth> value. The Lower Band Edge and Upper
Band Edge values are given by the frequencies where the trace is equal to –x.
"None": Bandfilter search switched off, result off.
Remote command:
Causes the active bandfilter search to be repeated after each sweep: When tracking
mode is active, the markers typically change their horizontal and vertical positions as
the measurement proceeds.
Tracking mode properties
Tracking modes are available for all search modes. The tracking modes for minimum/
maximum/peak search and target search are coupled; tracking for bandfilter search
can be activated separately. Bandfilter tracking is activated automatically when one of
the bandfilter search modes is selected.
Remote command:
Bandfilter tracking and marker/target search tracking are controlled with the same com-
Marker Softtool