Monitoring signal characteristics
User Manual 1179.1341.02 ─ 05
Recording of signals starts automatically in predefined intervals.
This asynchronous method is suitable if a representative display of
the complete signal is required.
"Marker 1"
The starting point for recording of signals is determined by the marker
1 setting of the activated digital standard ("Trigger/Marker" dialog).
This synchronous method is suitable if specific signal segments are
to be shown in greater detail. With periodic signals, a static image is
obtained by selecting a period length of marker 1 that is equal to the
signal period.
The displayed signal segment can be shifted by entering a marker
delay in the "Trigger/Marker" dialog of the activated digital standard.
Remote command:
Sample Rate Mode
Sets how the time resolution of the signal is determined. Maximum resolution corre-
sponds to a display covering the entire signal bandwidth. The higher the resolution, the
shorter the length of the displayed signal segment.
The resolution is set to an optimum value in terms of signal and dis-
play type.
"Full Bandwidth"
The resolution is set so that the display covers the entire signal band-
Activates the "Sample Rate" input field, where you can manually set
the resolution.
Remote command:
Sample Rate
If "Sample Rate Mode = Auto/Full Bandwidth"
Displays the percentage of the entire signal bandwidth which is used for the graphi-
cal signal display.
If "Sample Rate Mode = User"
Input for the percentage of signal bandwidth which is used for the graphical signal
Remote command:
Adds a graphical signal display (as set in the "Graphics Configuration" dialog) to the
taskbar/graphical diagrams table.
Remote command:
Apply Changes
Enables the current settings for the selected graphical signal display.
Displaying baseband signal characteristics in real-time