I/Q over Ethernet (QSFP+) protocol
User Manual 1179.5718.02 ─ 02
Seq. No.
Command / frame
APPL command (CmdCode= ‚3‘):
Stops the ARB generator, configures waveform
parameter. Replies with ACK/NAK.
If errors occur, repeat this command.
Ctrl frame
Starts waveform transfer:
Data frames
Transfer waveform data.
Ctrl frame
Terminates waveform transfer:
APPL-Command (CmdCode= ‚3‘):
If no errors occurred during transfer, ACK is sent
with automatic restart trigger.
If errors occur, NAK is sent. Repeat the transfer
with sequence number (2,1) and following.
WV play stop and start via protocol
The table shows a command sequence for arbitrary playing waveforms via the protocol
without reconfiguring or transferring waveform data again.
Seq. No.
Command / frame
APPL command (CmdCode= ‚3‘):
Stops the ARB generator.
APPL-Command (CmdCode= ‚3‘):
Waveform play restarts. If a trigger is active, you
can start palying/replaying the waveform with an
external/internal trigger signal.
Using a python script for waveform data transfer
The following example describes how to transfer waveform data from the host PC to
the R&S
SMM100A via a python script. You can run the script to transfer small wave-
form files of several hundred Msample.
The script uses waveform upload command sequence
WV transfer with meta data and
Using a python script for waveform data transfer