Remote Control Basics
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
Table 6-8: Meaning of the bits used in the questionable status register
Bit No.
Not used
6.5.6 Operation Status Register (STATus:OPERation)
This condition part contains information on the actions currently being performed by
the instrument, while the event part contains information on the actions performed by
the instrument since the last readout of the register.
To read the register, use the query commands
Table 6-9: Meaning of the bits used in the operation status register
Bit No.
The bit is set during the calibration phase.
Not used
This bit is set during a sweep in automatic or single mode.
Not used
6.5.7 Application of the Status Reporting System
The purpose of the status reporting system is to monitor the status of one or several
devices in a measuring system. To do this and react appropriately, the controller must
receive and evaluate the information of all devices. The following standard methods
are used:
Service request
(SRQ) initiated by the instrument
Serial poll
of all devices in the bus system, initiated by the controller to find out
who sent an SRQ and why
Query of a
specific instrument status
by commands
Query of the
error queue
Service Request
Under certain circumstances, the instrument can send a service request (SRQ) to the
controller. Usually this service request initiates an interrupt at the controller, to which
the control program can react appropriately. An SRQ is always initiated if one or sev-
eral of bits 2, 4 or 5 of the status byte are set and enabled in the SRE. Each of these
bits combines the information of the error queue or the output buffer. To use the possi-
bilities of the service request effectively, all bits should be set to "1" in the enable regis-
ters SRE and ESE.
Status Reporting System