Instrument Function
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
Configure Diagram
The "Configure NRP-Z Analysis" dialog is divided into several sections. The diagram
area covers the parameters for scaling the y-axis and the appearance of the diagram.
Min - Max y-Axis - Power Analysis
Selects the minimum and maximum value of the y-axis.
Remote command:
Auto Scale - Power Analysis
Activates autoscaling of the y-axis of the diagram. The "Auto Scale" function adjusts
the scale divisions so that the entire trace fits into the diagram area.
Auto scale is deactivated. Switching from activated to deactivated,
the scaling is maintained.
"Exp. (Course/Fine)"
Auto scale is activated. Automatically selects the appropriate scaling
of the y-axis so that the trace is always visible. The range is expan-
ded when a value is out of the right or the left end-of-scale value. The
step width is 5 dB for selection "Exp. (Coarse)" and variable in the
range of 0.2 db to 5 dB for selection "Exp. (Fine)".
"Flt. (Coarse/Fine)"
Auto scale is activated, that means this parameter automatically
selects the appropriate scaling of the y-axis so that the trace is
always visible. The range is either expanded, when a value is out of
the right/left end-of-scale value or it is reduced when the trace fits into
a smaller scale area. The step width is 5 dB for selection "Flt.
(Coarse)" and variable in the range of 0.2 db to 5 dB for selection "Flt.
Remote command:
RF Level