Instrument Function
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
Freezes the current trace data. The hold trace is a temporary trace
that is available until the NRP power analysis is finished. Freezing the
trace of a sensor in one trace and displaying the measurement values
of the same sensor in another trace allows fast comparison between
Remote command:
Save to Ref - Trace Power Analysis
Saves the selected trace as reference trace. One reference trace is available at a time.
Remote command:
Define Reference - Trace Power Analysis
Opens a dialog for defining a linear reference curve.
To define the reference curve, set the coordinates of "Point A" and "Point B".
The reference curve is determined by two value pairs in the cartesian coordinates of
the "NRP-Z Analysis" diagram. Depending on the measurement mode, the following
values are required:
Freq (X) / Pow (Y) in "Frequency" mode
Determine the parameters of the frequency reference curve.
Pow (X) / Pow (Y) in "Power" mode
Set the x- and y-axis values of the points A and B.
Time (X) / Pow (Y) in "Time" mode
Set the time values for the x-axis and the corresponding y-axis power values.
"Save To Ref"
Saves the selected trace as reference trace. One reference trace is available at a
RF Level