Instrument Function
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
Externally edited Excel tables with frequency/level pairs can be imported as text or
CSV-files and used for list mode.
On the other hand, internally created list mode lists can be exported as text or CSV-
Mode - List Mode
Selects if list mode lists should be imported or exported. The settings offered below
depend on the selected mode.
Remote command:
Extension - List Mode
Selects the file extension of the ASCII file to be imported or exported. Selection TXT
(text file) or CSV (Excel file) is available.
Remote command:
Decimal Point - List Mode
Selects the decimal separator used in the ASCII data between '.' (decimal point) and ','
(comma) with floating-point numerals.
Remote command:
Column Separator- List Mode
Selects the separator between the frequency and level column of the ASCII table.
Remote command:
Select ASCII Source / Destination - List Mode
Calls the "File Manager" for selecting the ASCII file to be imported into a list mode list
(source) or the ASCII file the list mode list is exported (destination) in.
Remote command:
RF Frequency Block