Instrument Function
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
A message in the info line indicates when there is a conflict between the modulation
mode and the PLL bandwidth setting.
5.3.3 Phase
The phase of the RF output signal can be changed in the "Phase Settings" section of
the "RF Frequency/Phase" dialog.
Phase Settings
► To access the dialog for configuring the phase settings, perform one of the follow-
● Select "RF Frequency > config... > RF Frequency > Frequency/Phase".
● Press the MENU key and select "RF Frequency > RF Frequency > Frequency/
The combined "RF Frequency / Phase ..." settings dialog contains the parameters
to configure the phase settings of the RF signal.
The remote commands required to define the settings are described in
ter 7.13.13, "SOURce:PHASe Subsystem"
Delta Phase
Sets the phase of the RF signal. The current phase of the signal is used as the refer-
ence. This function allows, for example, the phase of the output signal to be synchron-
ized with the phase of a signal from a second signal generator.
Remote command:
Reset Delta Phase Display
Resets delta phase value. The set phase is adopted as the new current phase, i.e. the
delta phase value is reset to 0.
Remote command:
5.3.4 Reference Oscillator
The R&S
SMF is equipped with an internal reference oscillator that generates a refer-
ence frequency of 10
MHz. It is used as internal reference source for the synthesizer
and the local oscillator. Alternatively, you can apply an external reference signal.
RF Frequency Block