Instrument Function
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
The status message additionally indicates whether the LOCAL key is disabled or
The following states are indicated:
The LOCAL key switches the instrument from remote control to manual control.
The current command must be fully processed before the mode is switched, other-
wise the instrument switches immediately back to remote control.
The LOCAL key is locked, inititated by the
(local lockout) command. The
instrument can be switched from remote state to local state only via remote control,
for example with
or the Visual Basic command
. The LOCAL key has previously been locked by the remote com-
When switching from remote to manual control, the display update function is automati-
cally deactivated ("SETUP" > "Start/Stop Display Update" > "Off").
5.2.5 Generating a Hard Copy of the Display
The save/recall function enables you to store the settings in a file. In addition, you can
create a hard copy of the current display to save the most important settings of a per-
formed signal generation in an image file.
General Instrument Settings