Spectrum Analyzer Mode
Spectrum Rider FPH
User Manual 1321.1011.02 ─ 06.00
If the spacings are not equal, the channel distribution according to the center frequency
is as follows:
Odd number of TX channels
The middle TX channel is centered to center frequency.
Even number of TX channels
The two TX channels in the middle are used to calculate the frequency between
those two channels. This frequency is aligned to the center frequency.
Adjacent or alternate channel spacing is also available for single-carrier measure-
ments. The R&S Spectrum Rider can perform measurements on up to 12 adjacent
channels. Usually the first adjacent channel to the Tx channel is referred to as the
adjacent channel (ADJ). All others are called alternate channels (ALT1 to ALT11).
By default, the R&S Spectrum Rider assumes that the distance of the adjacent chan-
nels to each other is the same. In that case, you only have to enter the first spacing
value. The R&S Spectrum Rider then calculates all higher adjacent channels from that
value. If you change the spacing of one of the higher channels, theR&S Spectrum
Rider only updates the channel spacings above the one you have changed, but not
those below.
Normalization of Measurement Results
By default, the power of the channels and adjacent channels is displayed in the unit
dBm. It is also possible to display the power density of the signal to, for example, mea-
sure the signal/noise power density or obtain the signal to noise ratio.
1. Press the [MEAS] key.
2. Select the "Power Display" softkey
The R&S Spectrum Rider opens a submenu to select the power display settings.
3. Enable the "Channel Pwr/Hz" checkbox.
The R&S Spectrum Rider activates normalization and switches the unit from dBm
to dBm/Hz.
The channel power density in dBm/Hz corresponds to the power inside a band-
width of 1 Hz and is calculated as follows:
a) channel power density = channel power - log10(channel bandwidth)
Displaying Absolute and Relative Results
You can set up the result display to either show the absolute power of the adjacent
channels or the power relative to one of the transmission channels.
1. Select the "Power Display" softkey
The R&S Spectrum Rider opens a submenu to select the power display settings.
2. Select either the "Absolute" menu item to display the absolute results or the "Rela-
tive" menu item to display the power relative to one of the transmission channels.
Performing Spectrum Measurements