User Manual 1178.7100.02 ─ 05
Select a path in each path selection box. Note that changing the "Address Count"
resets all path selection boxes.
When you activate the trigger, the next incoming
valid and stable trigger event
switches the
path, as described in the following:
: the trigger control system reads the states of the lines 1 to 4 of the D-
9 connector (and ignores the lines 5 to 9). It interprets the 4-digit binary states
as the address value for the address to be triggered.
: If pins 1 and 3 are in high state and pins 2 and 4 are in low state, the
binary readout is 0101 (most significant bit first). The decimal equivalent of 0101 is
the address 5. Hence, the control system triggers the 5
path, which is "Path 04"
(starting with "Path 00" as the 1
Trigger event
: a change on any of the 4 lines is interpreted as a trigger event.
Hence, the addressed path remains switched, until the address code changes.
This rule is true also for the 1
path ("Path 00"). Consider an arbitrary address that
differs from
: If in this address, the non-zero lines return to the low state, this
is interpreted as a new trigger event that switches "Path 00".
: a trigger event is valid, if the encoded address exists. For example, if you
have set the "Address Count" to 7, all received addresses from 8 to 16 establish an
invalid trigger event, which is ignored.
: for a trigger event to be stable, the following requirements must all be
Each change of an address value must happen within 15
Address values that do not remain stable for at least 15
ns are interpreted as a
glitch or spike and are ignored.
Each address must remain unchanged for at least the duration of the minimum
trigger interval (typically 2
µs). If the address changes sooner, the control sys-
tem can process or ignore the change, depending on several parameters.
Hence, a premature change can lead to an undefined switching state.
Remote command:
Trigger Settings
The "Trigger Settings" section (lower portion of
) is accessible only, if the
trigger is
. It provides the following:
The "Trigger Level" is valid for the front trigger connectors (BNC), only. It is the sig-
nal level, at which the switch unit's control system interprets a voltage change as a
trigger event. The "Trigger Level" is compatible with values between 0.5
V and
The "Trigger Level" setting is not available, if the "Trigger Type" is
The "Trigger Slope" is valid for the front trigger connectors (BNC), only. It can be
"Positive", "Negative" or "Any".
If you select "Positive", a transition of the "Trigger Level" from a lower voltage
to a higher voltage is interpreted as a trigger event.
On the contrary, if you select "Negative", a transition of the "Trigger Level" from
a higher voltage to a lower voltage is interpreted as a trigger event.
If you select "Any", both a positive and a negative transition are valid trigger