Remote Control
User Manual 1175.7445.02 ─ 08
End Try
End Sub
Using Marker and Delta Marker
Shape Factor Measurement (using n dB down)
The n-dB-down function of the R&S
ESRP is used twice to determine the shape factor
of a filter (ratio of bandwidths at 60 dB and 3 dB below the filter maximum).
The following example is again based on a signal with a level of -30 dBm at 100 MHz.
The shape factor is determined for the 30 kHz resolution bandwidth. The default setting
of the R&S
ESRP is used for measurements (SetupInstrument).
REM ************************************************************************
Public Sub ShapeFactor()
result$ = Space$(100)
'--------- R&S FSV default setting ----------------------------------------
CALL SetupInstrument 'Default setting
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "INIT:CONT OFF") 'Single sweep
'--------- Set frequency ---------------------------------------------------
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "FREQ:SPAN 1 MHz")
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "BAND:RES 30 kHz")
'Resolution bandwidth
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "INIT;*WAI") 'Perform sweep with sync
'--------- Measure 60 dB value ---------------------------------------------
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "CALC:MARK:PEXC 6 DB")
'Peak excursion
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "CALC:MARK:STAT ON")
'Marker1 on
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "CALC:MARK:TRAC 1")
'Assign marker1 to trace1
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "CALC:MARK:MAX") 'Set marker1 to 100 MHz
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "CALC:MARK:FUNC:NDBD 45 dB")
'Read out bandwidth measured at
'45 dB
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "CALC:MARK:FUNC:NDBD:RES?")
CALL InstrRead(analyzer, result$)
result60 = Val(result$)
'--------- Measure 3 dB down value-----------------------------------------
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "CALC:MARK:FUNC:NDBD 3 dB")
'Read out bandwidth measured at
'3 dB
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "CALC:MARK:FUNC:NDBD:RES?")
CALL InstrRead(analyzer, result$)
result3 = Val(result$)
'--------- Read out shape factor--------------------------------------------
Remote Control – Programming Examples