WLAN User Interface
IEEE 802.11 (a/b/g)
Operating Manual 1171.5283.12 ─ 18
Remote command:
Execute Trigger
This feature is available for Trigger Source Internal only.
Executes trigger manually. A manual trigger can be executed only when an internal
trigger source and a trigger mode other than "Auto" have been selected.
Remote command:
Trigger Source
Selects trigger source. This setting is effective when a trigger mode other than "Auto"
has been selected.
The trigger event is executed by "Execute Trigger".
"Internal (Baseband A/B)"
(two-path instruments)
The trigger event is the trigger signal from the second path
"External (Trigger 1/2)"
The trigger event is the active edge of an external trigger signal, supplied at the
TRIGGER 1/2 connector.
Use the "Global Trigger/Clock Settings" dialog to define the polarity, the trigger
threshold and the input impedance of the trigger signal.
Remote command:
Sync. Output to External Trigger
(enabled for trigger source external)
Enables/disables output of the signal synchronous to the external trigger event.
For R&S SMBV instruments:
For or two or more R&S SMBVs configured to work in a master-slave mode for syn-
chronous signal generation, configure this parameter depending on the provided sys-
tem trigger event and the properties of the output signal. See the table below for an
overview of the required settings.
Table 3-1: Typical applications
System trigger
"Sync. Output to External Trig-
Common external trigger event for
the master and the slave instru-
All instruments are synchronous
to the external trigger event
All instruments are synchronous
among themselves but starting
the signal from first symbol is
more important than synchronicity
with external trigger event
Internal trigger signal of the mas-
ter R&S SMBV for the slave
All instruments are synchronous
among themselves
Trigger/Marker/Clock Settings