Command Reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 12
Sets the bandfilter level for a bandfilter search or returns the results. The command is
only available after a bandfilter search has been executed (
; see example below).
The response to the query
contains the
following bandfilter search results:
bandwidth of the bandpass/bandstop region.
stimulus frequency at the center of the bandpass/bandstop region (the
stimulus value of marker M4).
<QualityFactor (3 dB)>
quality factor, i.e. the ratio between the center frequency
and the 3-dB bandwidth.
loss at the center of the bandpass/bandstop region (the response value
of marker M4 at the time of the bandfilter search).
lower band edge.
upper band edge.
To obtain the <Quality Factor (BW)> result from the bandfilter info field, calculate
the ratio <Center> / <Bandwidth>.
Channel number used to identify the active trace
This numeric suffix is ignored and may be set to any value
because the bandfilter search functions always use markers M1
to M4.
Difference between the band edges and the center response
value of a bandfilter peak; must be negative for a bandpass
search and positive for a bandstop search.
For bandpass: -100.00 dB to -0.01 dB; for band-
stop: +0.01 dB to +100.00 dB
Increment: 0.03 dB
-3 dB
Default unit: dB
SCPI Command Reference