GUI Reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 12
Remote command:
Upper Tone
Selects an analyzer port or external generator as a source of the upper tone signal.
For a 2-port R&S
ZNA, the upper tone must be provided by an
For a 4-port R&S
ZNA, upper tone and lower tone must be provided by different
sources. I.e. without the optional
Internal 3rd and 4th Source for 4-port R&S
you can not combine ports 1 and 2 or ports 3 and 4.
Remote command:
Combiner Configuration
Opens the "Combiner Configuration" dialog that allows you to tell the analyzer how you
combine the lower and upper tone. The lower tone port is always the one on the left.
Use the signals of the test ports and combine them externally (see
graphic above).
With this configuration, the two-tone signal is available at the output
of the combiner. This allows you to measure intermodulation products
at the DUT output, but not at the DUT input.
Meas Softtool