Concepts and Features
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 12
Calibration type
Characterization data required
Refl Norm Open
Refl Norm Short
Refl OSM
OSM CalPort 1, OSM CalPort2 ... (all calibrated
Trans Norm Both
Trans Norm Forward
One Path Two Ports
OSM CalPort 1, OSM CalPort2 ... (all calibrated
ports), Through (between all pairs of ports)
Multiple Port Assignments
With multiple port assignments, it is possible to calibrate several test ports that
exceeds the number of ports of the calibration unit or cal unit characterization in use.
E.g. you can use a 2-port calibration unit to perform a full 4-port calibration.
The multiple port assignment method considerably extends the range of applications of
the calibration units. However, the method entails some loss of convenience because
you have to reconnect the calibration unit between the different calibration stages
(assignments). It can also cause a loss of accuracy because only a subset of all possi-
ble through connections is measured.
To calibrate n test ports with an m-port calibration unit (m<n), the calibration unit has to
be reconnected at least n/m times. Each of these (re-)connections is described by its
"port assignment", i.e. the mapping of calibration unit ports to test ports. Then for each
assignment an automatic calibration is performed. Finally the analyzer combines the
calibration data and calculates the required n-port error terms.
This is possible if and only if:
the port assignments "cover" the calibrated test ports
the overlap between assignments allows a(n ordered) "chain of measured through
connections" between any (ordered) pair of test ports requiring a Through mea-
For Full n-Port calibrations, the R&S
ZNA applies the "reduced through" logic to calcu-
late the correction terms for those test port pairs that are not covered by a single
assignment and hence cannot be measured directly (see
Chapter, "Full n-Port
Calibration with Reduced Number of Through Connections"
on the calibration type, a "minimal" valid and complete solution can be described as