Functional description of PRxx1 series controllers Rev.H.doc
2.2.4 XM-2 - I/O Extension Module
The PRxx1 series controller can operate with single XM-2 I/O extension module. This module offers
two NO/NC inputs and two relay outputs. Both inputs and outputs of XM-2 can be programmed in
the same way as internal inputs/outputs of the controller. The XM-2 can be used to extend number
of available inputs and outputs and/or separate relay output connected to door strike. Such
separation of relay output might be required in case of PR302 and PR602LCD controllers as they
are installed near the door and can suffer from intrusion. The XM-2 module connected to controller
must be configured to address ID=5. Digital communication between controller and XM-2 module is
perforemed by means of RACS Clock&Data bus. For more information on XM-2 module refer to
Installation Guide, which is available at
2.2.5 Wiegand Interface Readers
Only PR411DR can work with Wiegand interface readers. The controller uses separate input lines in
order to connect with such readers, as presented in figure 6 below.
Fig. 7 Wiring for Wiegand interface readers
In general, Wiegand readers can be connected to PR411DR controller along with PRT series
readers. If so, users can login either on Wiegand or PRT reader.
2.3 Users
2.3.1 Standard and Guest Users
Each user programmed in the controller might have card and/or PIN (3-6 digits followed by #), also
he/she can be granted with 8 special User Options. All types of users are specified in table 2.
Table 2. User types
User type