Publication 440R-RN001A-EN-P - April 2009
Guardmaster MSR57P Speed Monitoring Safety Relay
Corrected Anomalies
The anomalies corrected in this firmware revision update are listed in
this table.
Update Firmware
Follow these steps to update the firmware of the MSR57P relay.
Open Drive Explorer software.
Click Connect to connect to the MSR57P relay.
Following an input fault, reset
into actively monitoring motion
was allowed without first
requiring that both input channels
be cycled to OFF (open) to confirm
the fault has been cleared.
This anomaly affected the Door Monitor input (DM_In), Enabling Switch Monitor input (ESM_In), Lock
Monitor input (LM_In), and Safe Limited Speed input (SLS_In) when they are configured for 2NC 3s,
1NC + 1NO 3s, or 2 OSSD 3s.
If inputs listed are configured in any of the above configurations and an input fault is detected, the
anomaly did not require that both relay input channels turn OFF (open) before a reset into actively
monitoring motion is permitted. For example, if an input was configured as 2NC 3s and only one of the
channels turned OFF (opened), the relay would detect the fault and perform the required stop function.
You should be required to open both channels on that input for a successful reset command.
Corrected firmware requires that both input channels be cycled to OFF (open) before a reset into
actively monitoring motion is permitted.
Dual Feedback Speed fault occurs
when safety mode is Disabled.
A Dual Feedback Speed fault results when an error is detected between the speed from the first
encoder and the speed from the second encoder. This fault should not occur in Disabled mode,
because speed monitoring is not in effect.
The Safe Stop input (SS_In) was
not required to be cycled after a
HIM stop request.
If you press the stop button on a HIM connected to the DPI port, a stop request is initiated. The
requirement to cycle the SS_In before attempting a safe stop reset was not enforced when the
system was in the safe state with no faults present. Corrected firmware enforces this requirement in
all cases.
If you press the stop button on the HIM, you must press the green Start button on the HIM and then
cycle the SS_In before requesting a reset of the MSR57P relay. Otherwise, the reset will not be