Roborock Customer Service Center - Technical Support
20. Q: Is it normal that the main brush structure on the bottom is free to move up and down?
A: Yes. To realize seamless cleaning, the floating main brush system can automatically adapt
to uneven ground to ensure more efficient cleaning.
21. Q: What's the purpose of the transparent film exposed when the main brush is removed?
A: This is the suction hose structure that can be easily connected to the floating main brush
and dust bin. It ensures trash is effectively sucked up into the dust bin regardless of whether
the main brush is up or down.
22. Q: What's the purpose of the iron wires on the main brush cover?
A: These two stainless steel wires are mainly used to prevent entanglement of cables or
vacuuming up large items of waste.
23. Q: What's the purpose of the white label on the bottom screw?
A: This is a tamper label that should not be removed or damaged; otherwise, this will void your
24. Q: What's the purpose of the hole on the right of the machine body? (Updated on January
31, 2018)
A: This is the machine's wall sensor. It is a high-precision distance sensor used to achieve
precision edge cleaning by controlling the distance between the machine body and the wall.
distance of 10mm should be kept between walls and the Roborock robotic vacuum cleaner.
25. Q: Why can the two wheels of the machine move up and down?
A: The wheels are equipped with a suspension system that can provide sufficient downward
pressure to help the machine to overcome an obstacle.
26. Q: Why is the tread pattern of the machine designed to be serrated?
A: For an off-road tire of 70 mm in diameter, a serrated tread pattern can effectively improve
the machine's obstacle clearance capability.