Gas Tracer Operator’s Manual, CSA Version
Calibration Mode • 67
15. Press and release the POWER ENTER button to set the calibration to the
programmed values.
If all channels passed calibration, PASS displays along the bottom of the
screen, then the calibration menu displays.
If any of the sensors cannot calibrate to the proper value, FAIL displays along
the bottom of the screen and the Gas Tracer lists the sensor(s) that failed to
calibrate. In the example below, the OXY channel failed calibration. The other
sensors calibrated normally.
The buzzer and alarm lights activate. Press and release the RESET SILENCE
button after the buzzer and lights stop to reset the alarm and return to the
calibration menu. Attempt to calibrate again. If the failure continues,
investigate the cause. See “Troubleshooting” on page 159.
16. Disconnect the tubing from the probe.
17. Unscrew the demand flow regulator from the calibration cylinder.
18. If you have a 5 sensor unit and wish to calibrate the %volume sensor, go back
to step 1 and repeat the process selecting the %volume calibration gas value
screen in step 12 and using a %volume methane cylinder.
If you are finished calibrating, use the (SHIFT)
button to navigate to the
menu item, then press and release the POWER ENTER button to
return to Measuring Mode.
Calibrating with the Single Calibration Method
This section describes calibration using the Single Calibration method.
To calibrate using the Auto Calibration method, see “Calibrating with the Auto
Calibration Method” on page 65.
The procedure below describes a span adjustment of one channel using a
calibration kit that includes a 3-gas calibration cylinder, a 0.5 LPM (liters per
minute) regulator, and non-absorbent sample tubing. The standard 3-gas cylinder
consists of 50% LEL methane, 12% oxygen, 50 ppm CO, and a balance of nitrogen.
In the example below, the CH
channel’s span is adjusted. See “Parts List” on
page 173 for available calibration kits and calibration kit spare parts.
Calibration cylinders that contain only one target gas may also be used for single
calibration. For channels other than oxygen, RKI Instruments, Inc. recommends
that you use a cylinder that contains a concentration of 10-50% of the full scale
value of the target gas. For example, if you are calibrating the combustible gas
channel, your calibration cylinder should have a combustible gas concentration
between 10% LEL and 50% LEL. For the oxygen channel, RKI Instruments, Inc.
recommends using 100% nitrogen to perform the adjustment but any
concentration between 0% oxygen (100% nitrogen) and 17% oxygen can be used