VOC Pro Transmitter • 59
Calibration Frequency
A calibration should be performed EVERY thirty (30) days. Days since the last calibration
should NEVER exceed ninety (90) days. RKI recommends that you calibrate your device
regularly to ensure proper functionality and a safe work environment.
Calibration is the process of evaluating and adjusting the precision and accuracy of
measurement equipment. Although RKI calibrates every device at the factory, for best
accuracy, the detector SHOULD be calibrated in the environment where it is installed.
0.5 LPM fixed flow regulator with knob
calibration cup
calibration tubing
zero air cylinder (if not in a fresh air environment)
calibration cylinder; RKI recommends using 50% of the full scale value of your
detected gas
For 10.6 eV and 11.7 eV PID sensors, if you want to calibrate with a gas other than
isobutylene, you will have to take the calibration gas’ factor to isobutylene into
account when setting the calibration gas concentration.
Zeroing the Sensor
The first step of calibration is zeroing. The zeroing process MUST be performed in known
clean air, with no contaminants or hazardous gasses present. If air quality cannot be
guaranteed, a cylinder of zero air will be required to properly zero the sensor.
1. While the product is in normal operating mode, press the MENU button to activate the
Operation Settings menu.