VOC Pro Transmitter • 13
This section describes procedures to mount the VOC Pro in the monitoring environment and
wire the VOC Pro.
Mounting the VOC Pro
1. Consider the following when you select the mounting site.
Select a site where the VOC Pro is not likely to be bumped or disturbed. Make sure
there is sufficient room to perform start-up, maintenance, and calibration procedures.
Select a site that is representative of the monitoring environment and where the target
gas is likely to accumulate or where it is most likely to leak. The VOC Pro should not
be installed near an entrance, air intake, or exhaust point.
The sensor must point down.
Avoid installing the VOC Pro in a location where airborne particles could cover or
coat the sensor.
These guidelines are
intended as a general directive for the placement of the
VOC Pro. This information should
serve as a complete list when considering all
potential parameters for the proper location of the unit. It is
that a third party Certified Industrial Hygienist, or other Certified Safety Professional,
conduct a site survey and annotate the location and quantity of detection devices that
should be installed for
installation of
2. Select a mounting location and installation hardware. Mounting to a concrete or steel
structure is recommended to minimize vibration and moisture. Use a maximum 1/4”-20
bolt or 1/4” diameter screw, flat washers, Grade 5 material, and corrosion protection like
paint, galvanization, or zinc plating.