The following section contains technical guidelines concerning the product’s installation. It is necessary
to respect the dictates of the existing legislation and the principles of proper technical skills, as regards
installation issues (safety, environmental protection, injury prevention, etc). Under the legislation in force,
the installations must be projected and carried out by authorised professionals.
Rinnai Zen boilers have been designed only for wall-mounted installations. They are made for domestic (or similar)
use, for the production of domestic hot water and for water heating (at a lower temperature than the atmospheric
boiling point).
They have to be electrically powered, connected to a heating gaseous-fuelled installation and to a domestic hot water
supply network, both of them in line with the boiler’s performances and power.
Only professional enterprises are authorised to install Rinnai’s appliances burning gaseous fuels.
The boiler’s installation must follow the requirementes of the standards UNI e CEI, the existing legislation and the local
technical legislation, in accordance with the indications of the good installing technique. It is particularly important to
respect the Regulations UNI 7129 and 7131, and CEI 64-8 and 64-9.
The boiler can be installed outside without any particular protection against rain, snow etc. (a sheltered position is
suggested for the installation, in order to reduce heat losses). It is necessary to provide proper insulation for the
plumbing pipes to prevent frost; always ensure electrical power and sufficient quantity of gas; always make sure that
the exhaust system is properly installed and sealed. The allowed temperatures of use in external environment are:
For indoor installations, the room must be provided with an adequate to boiler’s capacity ventilation system.
The installation in fire hazard places (garages, box, etc.), on cooking appliances or in peculiarly humid areas is
forbidden; to staw flammable material, chemical products, corrosive substances (or similar materials) nearby the boiler
is installed is forbidden.
The air surrounding the appliance, the exhaust and inlet air system, is used for the flame’s combustion: air must be
devoid of each element that could cause the corrosion of the components (it means air must not contain corrosive
substances, for instance, aerosol, spray, detergents, chemical solvents, oiled-base paints, refrigerants, etc.). The
boiler and its exhaust and ventilation systems must not be installed in environments where corrosive, chemical and
combustible substances can be found. Damages and repair due to corrosive chemicals compounds are not covered
by warranty.
Installations in coastal areas require a more frequent maintenance: this is due to corrosive phenomenon of the air from
the sea.
The appliance must be fixed to a flat vertical support wall, with the gas and water connections facing downwards. The
wall that will support the boiler must be plain and able to hold the water heater (35-40kg), so it has to be built in solid
or perforated bricks. Both the brakets (upper and lower) must be fixed to the wall with metallic screws.
The boiler must be easily accessible and maintainable: its postiton must ensure a risk-free accessibility for inspection,
reparation and emergency measures. Sufficient space to remove components and properly maintaining the product
must be ensured.
It is necessary to provide an electrical outlet with AC230V / 50Hz power supply with grounding nearby the appliance,
sufficiently far from the gas and water connections of the appliance and from the exhaust outlet. For outdoor installations
it is necessary to provide a protected and waterproof plug. The electrical cable of the appliance is 1.5m long.
The positioning of the exhaust terminal must comply with the provisions of the current legislation and the minimum
distances from the architectural elements.
Connect the vent valve to a proper conveying system.
Provide an adequate liquid waste disposal system in the lower part of the boiler, in order to collect and dispose of liquid
waste. This will prevent damages to goods and properties in case of pipes’accidental breakage.