Product description | 2
User and maintenance manual
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Indicators on steering wheel
Depending on the model, the steering wheel might be equipped with various indicators and control buttons.
Fig. 36:
Indicators on steering wheel
1 Pit indicator
2 Boost ON indicator
The drive switch acts as an EMERGENCY-STOP switch. When the drive switch is off, the kart is safety
switched off.
Fig. 37:
Drive switch and main switch
1 Main switch
2 Drive switch
The kart is equipped with the following EMERGENCY-STOP devices:
Drive switch, located on top of the left side box, beside the driver seat.
Main switch, located between the left side box and the driver seat.
Warning signs
Warning signs
Hazard zones on the kart are identified with warning signs.
Warning and other signs on the kart must be kept in good repair so that they are at all times visible and legible.
Illegible safety signs must be replaced without delay.