5.3 : Microcontroller Interface
The VP3500 has an on-board microcontroller that provides functions such as monitoring power supplies,
board temperature and responding to commands. The microcontroller can be accessed either through
its serial port (via the RTM or on-board header) or through the VPX I2C/SMB interface. The following
sections describe the supported commands and access.
5.3.1 : Microcontroller Serial Port
The microcontroller serial interface may be accessed either through the standard RS-232 serial
connector (J11) on the RTM (RT3500-0000) or by the on-board header (HDR3). The port is configured as
RS-232, 9600, 8 bits, no parity & 1 stop bit. The following figures illustrate the pinouts.
Figure 14 : RT3500 Microcontroller Serial Connector
Figure 15 : VP3500 Microcontroller Serial Connector HDR3
1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
No Connects
RS-232 Receive data (to microcontroller)
RS-232 Transmit data (from microcontroller)
Table 45 : RT3500 Connector & VP3500 HDR3 Serial Pins
VP3500 User Manual • Document Number 101-3500-0001 • Revision A0
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