Phoenix HT User Manual
© 2007–2012 Rigaku Automation, Inc.
401718 Rev A
9. When centered, click the
Update XY Tray Position
. button
10. Click the
11. Click the
Stop Teaching
12. Click the
Save and Close
13. Repeat steps 13 through 24 for the remaining tray positions.
Aligning the nano-tip to these targets should be considered a guideline. Ultimately, you may find
that further tweaking is required after running test plates. If this is the case, perform steps 11
through 17, then 20 through 23, making adjustments to the XY. There is no need to move the nano-
tip down toward the target.
To extend the life of the nano-tip, program ample water immediately after protein dispensing. For
extra cleaning, you may wish to incorporate detergent washes.
We recommended filtering and spinning down proteins before use to remove precipitate from
solutions that can clog the nano-tip.
Always ensure the appropriate consumable is placed and secured on the deck, and that all
reagents are filled. Ensure that plates are in correct orientation with the A1 well in the front left
5.6. Aligning the Nano Dispenser
The Art Robbins’ alignment procedure positions the heads on the registration spot on the deck
and uses the Delay (mm) parameters in the nanodispense command to shift the drop until the two
The below procedure provides additional precision. When the nanodispenser tip on the Phoenix is
changed, its dispense position will shift, even when removing and replacing the same tip. In order
to ensure drop on drop dispensing, its dispense position must be adjusted so that it coincides with
the dispense position of the 96-syringe head.
Follow the procedure below to align the nanodispense position.
1. Back up all of your settings. This will save a lot of time if you make a mistake and need to
revert to the original settings
The easiest way to do this is to a navigate in Windows Explorer to
C:\Program Files
, right-
click on the
directory, and select
Send to: Compressed (zip) folder.
2. Start the ARI Phoenix software and connect to the instrument to home the axes
3. Dispense a test plate using the protocol
FAT Dispense 100nl+ 100nl on Lucite Plate.pro
and note
in which direction and estimate the distance the protein drop must move in both X and Y. This
value will usually be less than 1 mm in each direction.
4. Re-teach the nanodispenser position:
Disconnect, then select
Configuration > Calibrate Stage
window in the ARI Phoenix
Connect to the instrument again to home the motors, then select the position in which you
are dispensing your plate. This is usually position 1.
Teach Nanodispenser Head.
Click the “
Go above XY position
” to send the nanodispenser above its current taught plate