WARNING. The battery contains sulphuric acid which if comes
in contact with the skin should be washed off immediately. Any
acid spilt could cause damage to clothing or bike bodywork.
Rieju cannot be held responsible for any damaged caused by
incorrect battery handling.
The SMX is fitted with a battery, this is located under the seat. To
get to battery the seat has to be removed, a 10mm bolt under
the mudguard secures the seat to the bike.
As part of the maintenance of the bike the battery terminals will need to be checked
For tightness and corrosion. Loose and corroded connections will cause electrical faults to develop, ensu-
re the battery terminals are free from corrosion and tight. A light smear of Vaseline should be applied to
protect the terminals from corrosion.
The fuse is located next to the battery, under the seat. If the fuse blows all the electrical circuits will fail.
The seat will need to be removed. Always replace with the correct fuse rating (See Specification). A hig-
her rated fuse may damage the electrical system.
Manual Usuari Angles MRXSMX-MRXPROSMXPRO.qxp 30/09/2004 11:52 PÆgina 12