Irrigation valve settings
Use this setting to base irrigation on the irrigation settings specified for each
individual irrigation valve (in the relevant irrigation group).
If you choose this option, enter the settings under:
Controls / Water / Substrate / Irrigation, EC and pH / Irrigation
valve groups / Irrigation valve.
Fertilizer dosing
Controls / Water / Substrate / Irrigation, EC and pH / Irrigation valve
groups / Recipes
For fertilizer dosing, use the tabs:
Fertilizer dosing type
Fertilizer EC dosing
Fertilizer quantity dosing
Use the
Fertilizer dosing type
tab to indicate which fertilizer is added from which
fertilizer tank, and how these fertilizers should be dosed.
If you have agitators in your fertilizer tanks, the settings to control the
agitators can be found under:
Controls / Water / Substrate / System / EC dosing
There are six types of fertilizer dosing, one based on EC and five based on quantity.
Do you dose based on EC? Then use the
Fertilizer EC dosing
tab. Do you dose based on
quantity? Then use the
Fertilizer quantity dosing
The six types of fertilizer dosing are:
Fertilizer dosing based on EC (EC control)
Use this setting to base the dose on an EC target value (mS/cm). To use this
setting, an EC sensor is required.
Fertilizer dosing based on quantity - volume (ratio)
Use this setting to dose a specific volume of fertilizer (in millilitres) per litre of
water. To use this setting, a flow meter (a flow sensor or water meter) is
required on the main pipe.
Fertilizer dosing based on quantity - volume (in one go)
Use this setting to dose a specific number of litres of fertilizer in one go at the
start of an irrigation cycle.
Fertilizer dosing based on quantity - volume (with pulses)
Use this setting to dose a specific number of litres of fertilizer in pulses,
throughout an irrigation cycle.
Fertilizer dosing based on quantity - duration (in one go)
Use this setting to dose the fertilizer in one go over a specified length of time at
the start of an irrigation cycle.
Fertilizer dosing based on quantity - duration (with pulses)
Use this setting to dose a specific volume of fertilizer (in litres) in pulses,
throughout an irrigation cycle. The time specified is the total dosing duration
(how long the dosing valve is open).