Usage Notice
Other Information
Copyrights to Images
When projecting images using the projector, be careful
not to infringe the copyright of protected materials.
The following are examples that may infringe the copyright
of protected materials.
• Broadcasting images or movies for commercial purposes
• Modifying images or movies using functions such as freeze,
magnify, or zoom to broadcast images for commercial pur
poses or public viewing
• Varying the aspect ratio of images or movies using a function
that changes the screen size to broadcast images for com-
mercial purposes or public viewing
Note to Users Viewing 3D Images
Pay attention to the following points when viewing images
using 3D glasses with projector:
• How 3D images are viewed may vary according to the indi
• Do not use 3D glasses for viewing any material other than
3D images.
• Before viewing 3D images, make sure to read the manuals
provided with your 3D glasses and 3D compatible content.
• Avoid viewing 3D images for a long period of time. Take a
break of 15 minutes or longer after every hour of viewing.
• If you feel sick while viewing 3D images, stop viewing them.
If you continue to feel sick, consult a doctor.
• When viewing 3D image in a room where on LED lighting
system or fluorescent lights are used, you may feel that the
light in the room flickers. If this is the case, dim the lights
until you do not notice any flickers, or turn off the lights.
• If you or any member of your family has a history of lightsen
sitive seizures, consult a doctor before viewing 3D images.