User Manual
Reference number: 4111A-RADAR4600-GBD-R1.1
Date: 27 February 2018
Page 61 of 149
Distance and bearing measurements
The RH Marine RADAR 4600 offers different alternatives to measure distances and bearings from or to own
ship or any other available point of radar image.
RH Marine RADAR 4600 offers multiple solutions for distance and bearing measurements:
Cursor position
The data of cursor position are always shown in right up corner beside of radar image (when cursor is
positioned inside of radar image circle).
Following data are simultaneously active:
Distance from OS in NM
TTG to cursor position, depending on actual speed in hours
and minutes
Bearing from OS in relative or true values ‘R’ or ‘T’.
Cursor position as Lat/Lon values
As soon cursor is moved, new values appear without delay.
Move to a target of interest, and you get at once the regarding position as well as the distance and bearing
from own ship.
Variable Range Marker – VRM
RADAR 4600 offers two variable range markers, [VRM1] and [VRM2]
which are normally centred to OS, but may also be used as floating VRM,
surrounding any cursor marked point of radar image.
At right downside corner of radar image, a regarding control field
contains activation buttons and data windows.
Not activated functions are shown in grey.
To activate a VRM, click the regarding button. It changes to blue. In
parallel, the combined EBL/VRM button changes to blue.
The activated VRM appears as dashed circle. The set distance is shown in the regarding info cell. VRM1 has a
short dashed line and VRM2 a long dashed one.
When EBL/VRM button shows blue and you move cursor to a VRM, the cursor changes to a circle symbol
Then you can readjust the VRM. Click, hold and move the VRM with cursor to a wanted distance or to a
target, for distance measuring.