= 1; Fuel Consumption calculated value * 1 - does not change
calculated value;
= 0.5; Fuel Consumption calculated value * 0.5 – divides calculated
fuel value by two;
=10; Fuel Consumption calculated value * 10 - multiplies calculated
fuel value by 10.
5.14 Accelerometer
Figure 35 Accelerometer configuration
DB3 Plug&Play has a builtin accelerometer which can easily be configured for
individual needs.
Acceleration range specifies measurement range for the accelerometer. The
smaller the range the more precisely configuration can be set. Bigger ranges
are only acceptable for harsh acceleration or crash detection.
6. SMS Command List
All commands are case sensitive. While DB3 Plug&Play operates in Deep Sleep
mode and the user tries to send SMS message it cannot arrive to DB3
Plug&Play device because GSM/GPRS module is disabled most of the time
(wake up depends on Send Period parameter). DB3 Plug&Play will receive the
SMS when it wakes up (exits deep sleep mode).