Страница 1: ...line made by Drake s own crew were priceless to the British govemment for future voyages I8 IND PRINTED IN ENGLAND H 325 380 The greatest prize to fall into Drake s hands was the Spanish ship Casafugo Loaded heavily with gold and jewels she was intercepted by the Golden Hind while she was carrying her precious cargo from Peru to Panama Francis Drake and his pirates did not restrict their actions t...
Страница 2: ... Parts 2 through 15 to Part 1 as shown MODEL BÚILDER S KNIFE AND BLADES scraping and trimming SMALL FILES finishing and 17 fitting FINE SANDPAPERAND STEEL WOOL finishing and fitting SMALL PAINT BRUSHES painting and cementing TWEEZERS construction and rigging SCISSORS rigging CLOTHESPINS clamplng MASKINGTAPE holding and painting TURPENTlNE cleanup and antiquing FOR ADDITIONAL PAINTlNG DETAILS REFER...
Страница 3: ...ment Part 37 to Hull Leave end of Anchor Rope free for later use 6 Cement Parts 38 39 and 40 to Part 41 7 NOTE If model is to be fully rigged with Running Rigging SEE DRAWING C It model is not to be tuHy rigged proceed directly to Paragraph 8 Rig one Part 121 to Forward Sheave Post Tie a length of thread to be removed during rigging through the Block and place upward through square hole in Forecas...
Страница 4: ...0 Parts 49 KEVl l 6 Parts 50 PIN RAll 2 Parts FITMENT ASSEMBl Y 1 SEE DRAWING A lARGE CANNON Cement Parts 42 43 and 44 together Make eight assern blies and set aside 2 SEE DRAWING B SMALl CANNON Cement Parts 45 46 and 47 together Make four assem blies and set aside 3 Cement twenty Parts 48 into place in Hull 4 SEE DRAWING C CANNON INSTAlLATION Install eight large Cannons and two Small Cannons as s...
Страница 5: ...en install two remaining Small Cannon using Jute riggingthread asmStep 4 5 Cement Parts 57 58 and 59 into place Cement Part 60 to Hull and Poop Bulkhead and cement Part 61 into place 68 PARTS LIST ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTlONS O 62 STERN GALLERY DECK 63 GALLERY RAIL AFT 64 GALLERY RAIL STARBOARD 65 GALLERY RAIL PORT 66 GALLERY RAIL FWD STARBOARD 67 GALLERY RAIL FWD PORT 68 GALLERY SUPPORT SIDE 4 EA 69 GAL...
Страница 6: ... 97 MIZZEN SHROUD DEADEYES INNER HAlF PORT 84 85 PORT 83 87 93 PORT 4 Cement together Parts 86 and 87 Parts 88 and 89 Parts 90 and 91 and cement each assembly to Hull as shown Follow the same procedure for the Port side Deadeyes using Parts 92 and 93 Parts 94 and 95 and Parts 96 and 97 PARTS LIST ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS DEADEYE AND CHAINPLATE ASSEMBlY 1 Cement Parts 77 and 78 together and cement ass...
Страница 7: ... assembly into place on Main Top 4 Cement Ratlines L 2 and R 2 into position FORE MAST ASSEMBLY 1 Cement Parts 98 and 99 together Assemble and cement Fore Mast and Parts 100 101 102 103 and one Part 104 2 Refer to LASHING DIAGRAM and lash Masts together with blackened rigging thread 3 Cement together Parts 105 and 106 Parts 107 and 108 and cement each assembly into place on Fore top 4 Cement Ratli...
Страница 8: ... and 131 to the Masts at the desired Rake angle NOTE Yards may be set at any Rake angle between the extremities shown but care must be taken that they are parallel and properly aligned 6 With black rigging thread lash Sprit Yard to Bowsprit as shown 7 Attach Flags as shown 8 Position Figures 132 through 136 on Docks as you so desire and cement in place R 3 RIGHT FORE LOWER RATLINES 130 MAIN TOP YA...
Страница 9: ...8 FORE SAIL BRACE 19 FORE SAIL CLEW 20 FORE SAIL SHEET 21 FORE SAIL HALYARD 22 FORE SAIL TACK FORE TOPSAIL 23 FORE TOPSAIL UFT 24 FORE TOPSAIL BRACE 25 FORE TOPSAIL CLEW 26 FORE TOPSAIL SHEET 27 FORE TOPSAIL HALYARD ONE ONLY A Preparing Sails 1 Sails may be antiqued or weatl lered by applyil lga thin wash oř green pairit 1f high lights are desired they can be obtained by rubbing approprí ate areas...
Страница 10: ...F to Lateen Yard 2 Attach fif teen Parts 121 as shown See OrawingB H 325 380 B MIZZEN MAST RIGGING Install Lateen Sail Rigging all s ilii i shown IS A MAIN MAST RIGGING 1 Attach Sail O to Main Yard and Sail E to MainTop Yard 2 Attach twenty five Parts 121 and two Parts 122 as shown See Orawing B ...
Страница 11: ... BOWSPRIT RIGGING Install Sprit Sail Rigging as shown 1 Attach Sail B to Fore Yard and Sail C to Fore Top Yard 2 Attach twenty eight Parts 121 and two Parts 122 as shown See Drawing B BFORE MAST RIGGING Install Fore Sail Rigging as shown Note Tie off thread installed in Step 3 paragraph 7 is now removed for installa tion of Line 21 See Drawing C ...
Страница 12: ...0 B MAIN MAST RIGGING C MAIN MAST RIGGING TYPICAL Insert and cement Install Main Sail Rigging as shown See Drawing C 1 Install Main Topsail Rigging as shown 2 Cement Parts 132 through 136 in place where desired ...