Chapter 10
REF 1029568 Rev B
BiPAP Focus Ventilator Service Manual © Respironics, Inc.
Est. Vt
Range: 0-4000 mL
Resolution: 1 mL
Accuracy (S/T Mode): ± (50 mL + 10% reading) (when leak
<60 L/min, using the Vision circuit)
Accuracy (CPAP Mode): ± (100 mL + 10% reading) (when
leak <60 L/min, using the Vision circuit)
Vt display flashes when peak inspiratory flow for successive
breaths varies by more than 15 L/min.
Est. MV
Range: 0-99 L/min
Resolution: 0.1 L/min
Accuracy: ± 1 L or ± 10% actual, whichever is greater (when
leak is <60 L/min using the Vision circuit).
Range: 0-150 L/min
Resolution: 1 L/min
Accuracy: ± (15 L/min +10%)
Range: 0-99/hour
Resolution: 1/hour
Accuracy: ± 1/hour (after 1 hour)
Range: Patient or Timed (ventilator)
NOTE: Est. Vt and Est. MV estimates are at ambient temperature and pressure, dry
(ATPD). Pressure signals are filtered using a 50-Hz low-pass Butterworth filter.
Alarm Settings
Range: 20, 40, 60 sec or OFF
Default setting: 20 sec
NOTE: For the first hour, this value is an estimate
Range: 5, 10, 20, or OFF
Default setting: OFF
Measured Data (Continued)