9.4 BiSS Safety serial interface
BiSS Safety specifications
Power supply for each readhead
5 V ±10% 1.25 W maximum (250 mA @ 5 V)
Current consumption figures refer to terminated FORTiS systems. Renishaw
encoder systems must be powered from a 5 Vdc supply complying with the
requirements for SELV of standard IEC 60950-1.
Over voltage protection ±10 V.
200 mVpp maximum @ frequency up to 500 kHz
Siemens DRIVE-CLiQ specifications
Power supply for each readhead
24 V
1.8 W maximum (75 mA @ 24 V), 24 V as per DRIVE-CLiQ specification.
24 V power is provided by the DRIVE-CLiQ network
Over voltage protection –36 V to +36 V.
200 mVpp maximum @ frequency up to 500 kHz
Maximum total cable length
Readhead to DRIVE-CLiQ interface 9 m
(Refer to Siemens DRIVE-CLiQ specifications for maximum cable length from
interface to the controller)
Extension cables from the FORTiS-S FS DRIVE-CLiQ interface to the controller
should be sourced directly from Siemens
Connector tightening torque
M12 – 4 Nm
Vibration (interface)
< 100 m/s
to IEC 60068-2-6
Environment protection (interface)
9.5 Siemens DRIVE-CLiQ serial interface
Included with Siemens-only versions of FORTiS.