Renesas Synergy™ Platform
Target Board Kit S1JA (TB-S1JA)
R12UM0025EU0101 Rev.1.01
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5.6 Additional Features
5.6.1 Analog Reference Voltages
A capacitor C21 and a footprint for installation of capacitor C23 is provided on the Target
Board. These two capacitors provide noise-bypass capability for ports VREFH0/VREFL0
and for ports P013(VREFH)/P014(VREFL) respectively. See Figure 22 for the circuit
Port pair P013/P014 may be assigned as GPIO, where bypass capacitor C21 would
damage signal quality. When P013/P014 are to be assigned as VREFH/VREFL,
installation of capacitor C21 can reduce reference voltage noise and improve ADC
measurement and DAC output quality.
5.6.2 On-Board Clock Crystals
TB-S1JA includes two precision crystal clock sources. A precision
12.000 MHz crystal is installed at location X1, and a precision 32.768
kHz crystal is installed at location X2. These crystal clock sources are
connected to the Main MCU by default.
The MCU pins for the 12 MHz clock crystal may be connected to P212
and P213. To disconnect the 12 MHz crystal, open copper jumpers
E23 and E24, and close copper jumpers E18 and E19.
The MCU pins for the 32.768 kHz clock crystal may be connected to
P214 and P215. To disconnect the 32.768 kHz crystal, open copper
jumpers E25 and E26, and close copper jumpers E22 and E27.
Figure 24. Crystal Clock Sources