R01UH0822EJ0100 Rev.1.00
Page 851 of 1041
Jul 31, 2019
RX13T Group
26. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADF)
Group Scan Mode
Basic Operation
Either two (groups A and B) or three (groups A, B, and C) can be selected as the number of the groups to be used in
group scan mode.
In basic operation of group scan mode, A/D conversion is performed once on the analog inputs of all the specified
channels in groups A and B, or groups A, B, and C after scan is started by a synchronous trigger as below. Scan operation
of each group is similar to the scan operation in single scan mode.
The synchronous triggers of groups A and B, or groups A, B, and C can be selected using the TRSA[5:0], TRSB[5:0],
and TRSC[5:0] bits in ADSTRGR, respectively. Different triggers should be used for each group A, B, and C so that
scanning of groups A, B, and C does not occur simultaneously. Software trigger should not be used.
The channels to be scanned are selected using register ADANSA0 for group A, register ADANSB0 for group B, and
register ADANSC0 for group C.
In group scan mode, the internal reference voltage A/D conversion select bit (S12AD.ADEXICR.OCSA) should be set to
0 (deselected).
When self-diagnosis is selected in group scan mode, self-diagnosis is separately executed for groups A and B, or groups
A, B, and C.
The following describes operation in group scan mode using a trigger from the MTU. The TRG4AN, TRG4BN, and
TRG4ABN triggers from the MTU are assumed to be used to start conversion of groups A, B and C, respectively.
(1) Scanning of group A is started by the TRG4AN trigger from the MTU.
(2) When group A scanning is completed, a scan end interrupt is generated if the ADCSR.ADIE bit is 1 (interrupt
generation upon scanning completion enabled).
(3) Scanning of group B is started by the TRG4BN trigger from the MTU.
(4) When group B scanning is completed, a group B scan end interrupt is generated if the ADCSR.GBADIE bit is 1
(interrupt generation upon group B scan completion enabled).
(5) Scanning of group C is started by the TRG4ABN trigger from the MTU.
(6) When group C scanning is completed, a group C scan end interrupt is generated if the ADGCTRGR.GCADIE bit is
1 (interrupt generation upon group C scan completion enabled).